Social Followers UK

Social Followers provides Instagram marketing services for individuals, brands and businesses.

5 Tips to Grow Your Brand on Instagram in 2020

Recently, Instagram has transformed. It consists of three major components, which make it one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. These include stories, IGTV, and posts.

Using stories only for the purpose of announcing new posts is not the best use of the medium of stories. People take an interest in stories to get quick information, deeper connection, and to learn on the go. IGTV is a longer form of entertainment, and posts are micro-blogs. Every Instagram user is not interested in all forms of these contents.

Only Followers Matter

Try to focus only on people who follow you.  This seemingly obvious advice is often overlooked. Most of the time, creators focus on creating content that can attract other followers. This is not wrong, but your major focus should be on delighting and engaging your existing customers. If you follow this strategy, you are soon likely to find new people with similar interests to your existing Instagram followers. (You can Buy Instagram Likes to increase the visibility of your posts).

Tell Stories

Instagram is all about attention. Do you want to get complete attention and mind share of your audience? Tell them stories. Stories make humans curious. These can be in the form of books, videos, plays, or even the ‘story’ feature of Instagram. If you can engage your users through storytelling, you can make others remember and care for your brand.

Focus on Community

Regardless of your industry, there are thousands of creators. Many of those are doing it out of passion alone and are not affiliated with any brand or company. Spot such creators and promote them.

If you want to go beyond your competition, you need to build a community. Encourage good creators and help them create better content. It is an efficient way for you to build a strong online presence.

Fail Often

Make it a habit to run experiments with your content. Remember, it is okay if some experiments do not work. The biggest setback is not the failed experiment, but not experimenting itself.

Everything is Content

Marketers get under the pressure of creating content and often hit a block. Keep in mind that everything you do on a daily basis; probably your audience does the same. Share anything and everything without holding back.